SQLite is a DBMS that stores the database in a single file
SQLite has a command line interface CLI to interact with a database file
The command to start the CLI on the Unix server is:
$ sqlite3
SQLite version 3.6.20
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
Note that the dollar sign indicates the Unix command line prompt.
: displays the current settings for various paramters
: quit the CLI program
: show the tables in the database
: display the table schema
: display or hide the column headers
: select the mode for output
: dump the database as SQL text
NULL: the value is NULL
INTEGER: the NULL value
REAL: the value is a floating point number
TEXT: the value is a text string
BLOB: the value is a blob of data
Create a database file named example.db
$ sqlite3 example.db
Note that the dollar sign indicates the Unix command line prompt.
Import data from a file named data.csv into a table named example_table (this assumes that the table exists)
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .import data.csv example_table
Execute a SQL statement stored in a file named example.sql
sqlite> .read example.sql
Dump the SQL statements to recreate the database to a file
sqlite> .output example.sql
sqlite> .dump
sqlite> .exit
Dump a specific table
sqlite> .output example.sql
sqlite> .dump users
sqlite> .exit
Dump the schema
sqlite> .output example.sql
sqlite> .schema
sqlite> .exit
Print SQL query results in tabular form with column headers
sqlite> .header on
sqlite> .mode column