Basic JavaScript

Due: 11:00pm, Monday February 8, 2021

Max grace days: 0


The goal for this assignment is to use JavaScript to generate a grade report for students in a class. This assignment contains the following files: index.html, data.js, code.js, and style.css. You need to edit the code.js and style.css files.

The data.js file contains a JavaScript array that contains the data for 100 students. Each student in the array is a JavaScript object with three properties:

The grading policy for the class is:

The JavaScript for this assignment must be written in the code.js file. The output of the program should be an HTML table with a row for each student and the following columns: student’s last name, student’s first name, the average assignment grade after dropping the lowest assignment grade, the average exam grade, and the final grade. The entries in the table must be ordered by last name. The HTML must be output to the document using the document.write JavaScript function. The HTML table should also contain a final row that displays the class average for each of the columns.

The style.css should contain CSS rules to style the table. The last row in the table should be made visually distinct from the other rows in the table.

Turning in the Assignment

For this assignment, you must turn in a zip file containing the following files:

  1. style.css
  2. code.js

Submit the zip file to the appropriate folder on D2L.

Grading Criteria

Grading (out of 100 points):