Operational Semantics



Assembly Language Description of Semantics

Programming Language Semantics

Other Kinds of Semantics

Introduction to Operational Semantics

Example Operational Semantics Inference Rule

\[ \frac{\begin{array}{l} Context \; \vdash e_1 : 5 \\ Context \; \vdash e_2 : 7 \end{array} } {Context \; \vdash e_1 + e_2 : 12} \]

What Contexts are Needed?

Variable Environments


Cool Values

Cool Values (Continued)

Operational Rules


Example Operational Semantics for Base Values

\[\frac{}{so, E, S \vdash true : Bool(true), S}\] \[\frac{}{so, E, S \vdash false : Bool(false), S}\] \[\frac{i \; is \; an \; integer \; literal}{so, E, S \vdash i : Int(i), S}\] \[\frac{s \; is \; an \; string \; literal}{so, E, S \vdash s : String(s), S}\]

Example Operational Semantics of Variable References

\[\frac{\begin{array}{l} E(id) = l_{id} \\ S(l_{id}) = v \end{array} } {so, E, S \vdash id : v, S}\]

Example Operational Semantics of Assignment

\[\frac{\begin{array}{l} so, E, S \vdash e : v, S_1 \\ E(id) = l_{id} \\ S_2 = S_1[v/l_{id}] \end{array} } {so, E, S \vdash id \; \texttt{<-} \; e : v, S_2}\]

Example Operational Semantics of Conditionals

\[\frac{\begin{array}{l} so, E, S \vdash e_1 : Bool(true), S_1 \\ so, E, S_1 \vdash e_2 : v, S_2 \end{array} } {so, E, S \vdash \texttt{if} \; e_1 \; \texttt{then} \; e_2 \; \texttt{else} \; e_3 : v, S_2}\]

Example Operational Semantics of Sequences

\[\frac{\begin{array}{l} so, E, S \vdash e_1 : v_1, S_1 \\ so, E, S_1 \vdash e_2 : v_2, S_2 \\ \ldots \\ so, E, S_{n-1} \vdash e_n : v_n, S_n \end{array} } {so, E, S \vdash \{ e_1; \ldots; e_n \} : v_n, S_n}\]

Example Operational Semantics of Loops

\[\frac{so, E, S \vdash e_1 : Bool(false), S_1 } {so, E, S \vdash \texttt{while} \; e_1 \; \texttt{loop} \; e_2 \; \texttt{pool} : void, S_1}\]

Example Operational Semantics of Loops

\[\frac{\begin{array}{l} so, E, S \vdash e_1 : Bool(true), S_1 \\ so, E, S_1 \vdash e_2 : v, S_2 \\ so, E, S_2 \vdash \texttt{while} \; e_1 \; \texttt{loop} \; e_2 \; \texttt{pool} : void, S_3 \end{array} } {so, E, S \vdash \texttt{while} \; e_1 \; \texttt{loop} \; e_2 \; \texttt{pool} : void, S_3}\]

Example Operational Semantics of Let Expressions

\[\frac{\begin{array}{l} so, E, S \vdash e_1 : v_1, S_1 \\ so, ?, ? \vdash e_2 : v, S_2 \end{array} } {so, E, S \vdash \texttt{let} \; id : T \; \texttt{<-} \; e_1 \; \texttt{in} \; e_2: v_2, S_2}\]

Example Operational Semantics of Let Expressions

Balancing Act

Operational Semantics of new

Default Values

More Notation

Operational Semantics of new

\[ \frac{ \begin{array}{l} T_0 = \left\{ \begin{array}{rl} X & \text{if}\ T = {\tt SELF\_TYPE}\ \text{and}\ so = X(\dots) \\ T & \text{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \\ class(T_{0}) = (a_{1} : T_{1} \leftarrow e_{1} , \dots , a_{n} : T_{n} \leftarrow e_{n}) \\ l_{i} = newloc(S_{1}), \text{for}\ i = 1 \dots n\ \text{and each}\ l_{i}\ \text{is distinct} \\ v_{1} = T_{0}(a_{1} = l_{1}, \dots , a_{n} = l_{n}) \\ S_{2} = S_{1}[D_{T_{1}}/l_{1}, \dots , D_{T_{n}}/l_{n}] \\ v_{1}, S_{2}, [a_{1} : l_{1}, \dots , a_{n} : l_{n}] \vdash {a_{1} \leftarrow e_{1}; \dots ; a_{n} \leftarrow e_{n};} : v_{2}, S_{3} \end{array} } {so, S_{1}, E \vdash \texttt{new}\ T : v_{1}, S_{3}}\text{[New]} \]

Operational Semantics of new

Operational Semantics of Method Dispatch

More Notation

Operational Semantics of Dispatch

\[ \frac{ \begin{array}{l} so, S_{1}, E \vdash e_{1} : v_{1}, S_{2} \\ so, S_{2}, E \vdash e_{2} : v_{2}, S_{3} \\ \vdots \\ so, S_{n}, E \vdash e_{n} : v_{n}, S_{n+1} \\ so, S_{n+1}, E \vdash e_{0} : v_{0}, S_{n+2} \\ v_{0} = X(a_{1} = l_{a_{1}} , \dots , a_{m} = l_{a_{m}}) \\ imp(X,f) = (x_{1}, \dots , x_{n}, e_{n+1}) \\ l_{x_{i}} = newloc(S_{n+2}), \text{for}\ i = 1 \dots n\ \text{and each}\ l_{x_{i}}\ \text{is distinct} \\ S_{n+3} = S_{n+2}[v_{1}/l_{x_{1}} , \dots , v_{n}/l_{x_{n}}] \\ v_{0}, S_{n+3}, [a_{1} : l_{a_{1}}, \dots , a_{m} : l_{a_{m}}, x_{1} : l_{x_{1}} , \dots , x_{n} : l_{x_{n}}] \vdash e_{n+1} : v_{n+1} , S_{n+4} \end{array}} {so, S_{1}, E \vdash e_{0}.f(e_{1}, \dots , e_{n}) : v_{n+1}, S_{n+4}}\text{[Dispatch]} \]

Operational Semantics of Dispatch

Runtime Errors
